SIH Tech Tidbits

Useful tips, libraries and tools from the Sydney Informatics Hub team


Wed 21 August 2024
Local RAG with LLM
Wed 29 May 2024
Reduce Python's memory use with slots
Mon 22 April 2024
"Restricting access in Power BI"
Fri 19 April 2024
"Cleaning up a server? Find big files and folders with ncdu"
Thu 28 March 2024
Run chatGPT at home
Mon 25 March 2024
Late Binding in Python
Tue 19 March 2024
Debugging bash
Wed 14 February 2024
Quick debugging with Python f-strings
Wed 07 February 2024
Safely downloading your sequence data to RDS
Wed 06 September 2023
Handling complex Python dependencies: an opinionated guide
Fri 28 July 2023
Starship: a terminal prompt that puts the most important info up front
Thu 27 July 2023
CLI transfer to OneDrive
Wed 24 May 2023
Structure your data quickly and easily with Python dataclasses
Wed 17 May 2023
How to use a 'trace' to debug a crashing program in Linux
Sun 30 April 2023
Find github pages
Tue 07 February 2023
Automating linting and error checking with Trunk
Tue 07 February 2023
Standardised Python testing with Tox and `tox-conda`
Tue 04 October 2022
Use git on VMs easily and securely with SSH agent forwarding
Thu 11 August 2022
Siuba - Scrappy data analysis in Python you would normally do in R
Wed 06 July 2022
Shell Tips
Mon 06 June 2022
Use logging instead of print
Wed 02 March 2022
Improve your email communications skills!
Wed 24 November 2021
Modernize your Python code with type annotations
Mon 15 November 2021
The world's shortest tidbit: use #%% in Python scripts
Tue 28 September 2021
Design patterns (Part 1)
Fri 23 July 2021
CUDA VS CPU: BERT embedding benchmarks
Fri 23 July 2021
Show off your development history with gource
Wed 07 July 2021
git pre-commit hooks: check or style your code with every commit
Mon 24 May 2021
Getting data.table to work with the tidyverse
Mon 10 May 2021
A comparison of piping dataframe operations in R Tidyverse vs Python Pandas
Mon 03 May 2021
Set up your Jupyter environment in Docker
Thu 22 April 2021
mamba: a fast replacement for conda
Fri 09 April 2021
Querying the REDCap API on Windows: avoiding 443 errors and RCurl woes
Wed 31 March 2021
Memory profiling in Jupyter notebooks
Wed 03 March 2021
Setting up SSH for an easy login to VMs etc
Fri 12 February 2021
Better autocompletion in Jupyter Lab
Mon 11 January 2021
Easy delivery of local R Shiny dashboards
Thu 29 October 2020
Annotated heatmaps in R with ComplexHeatmap
Fri 02 October 2020
Add some colour to your shell: cool stuff with themes
Mon 28 September 2020
VS Code Plugins: awesome tools to make your life easier
Wed 23 September 2020
Using ellipsis (...) and purrr::pmap()
Fri 07 August 2020
Using external packages in your R package
Wed 05 August 2020
Counting zeros with dplyr summary tools
Tue 14 July 2020
How to turn MS Word DOCX into JSON
Mon 13 July 2020
tldr: A short, sweet, alternative to man pages
Thu 02 July 2020
Cleaning a git diff
Tue 16 June 2020
Add some colour to your shell: modern terminal tools
Mon 15 June 2020
R Profiling: Making R less aRduous
Mon 25 May 2020
R 4.0 and Mac OS Issues - fixing data.table and fst
Thu 14 May 2020
Generating an automatic index for Github Pages
Fri 08 May 2020
Getting ggplot to start at 0,0
Fri 17 April 2020
Formatting Code in Emails and Presentations
Fri 17 April 2020
Pandas dataframe to Markdown
Tue 14 April 2020
Some formulas to make working in Excel easier
Tue 07 April 2020
Deploy R Shiny App on Remote Server
Thu 12 March 2020
Bayesian Changepoint detection
Mon 09 March 2020
Useful Mac OS tips
Thu 05 March 2020
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for PDF text extraction
Thu 30 January 2020
fst: A very fast file format for R