SIH Tech Tidbits

Useful tips, libraries and tools from the Sydney Informatics Hub team

Memory profiling in Jupyter notebooks

Issues with memory use can be hard to pin down, as your program may only show issues after carrying out multiple memory intensive steps. Using the memory_profiler package in Jupyter notebooks allows you to generate a quick summary of which steps consume the most memory.

First, you need to install the package through pip (or conda):

pip install memory_profiler

Then, in your Jupyter notebook, load it as an extension:

%load_ext memory_profiler

In order to profile functions, they have to be imported from a module outside the notebook. Here, I profiled a text classification model that involved loading a fairly large text vectorization model, using it to convert around 100 messages to vectors, and then running a classification model on them:

def classify_messages(messages: Sequence[str]) -> np.array:
    bert_vectorizer = BertVectorizer(model='distilbert')
    classifier = load_trained_classifier()

    message_vectors = bert_vectorizer.make_bert_hidden_states(messages)
    # Classifier needs a dummy value for group in the input
    message_vectors = message_vectors.assign(group=0)

    predicted = classifier.predict(message_vectors)
    return predicted

To profile this function, you need to call it using %mprun, specifying each individual function that you want to profile with a -f argument:

%mprun -f classify_messages classify_messages(messages)
Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurences   Line Contents
    68    154.7 MiB    154.7 MiB           1   def classify_messages(messages: Sequence[str]) -> np.array:
    69    680.1 MiB    525.4 MiB           1       bert_vectorizer = BertVectorizer(model='distilbert')
    70    727.0 MiB     46.9 MiB           1       classifier = load_trained_classifier()
    72   2087.8 MiB   1360.8 MiB           1       message_vectors = bert_vectorizer.make_bert_hidden_states(messages)
    73                                             # Classifier needs a dummy value for group in the input
    74   2088.1 MiB      0.3 MiB           1       message_vectors = message_vectors.assign(group=0)
    76   2089.6 MiB      1.4 MiB           1       predicted = classifier.predict(message_vectors)
    77   2089.6 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       return predicted

Creating the vectors turned out to be particularly memory intensive, so I was able to reduce memory use by processing the messages in chunks:

def classify_messages_chunked(messages: Sequence[str], chunk_size: int = 10) -> np.array:
    bert_vectorizer = BertVectorizer(model='distilbert')
    classifier = load_trained_classifier()

    all_preds = []
    for chunk in split_into_chunks(messages, chunk_size):
        current_vectors = bert_vectorizer.make_bert_hidden_states(chunk)
        current_vectors = current_vectors.assign(group=0)
        predicted = classifier.predict(current_vectors)
    result = np.concatenate(all_preds)
    return result
%mprun -f classify_messages_chunked classify_messages_chunked(messages, chunk_size=20)
Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurences   Line Contents
    80    153.8 MiB    153.8 MiB           1   def classify_messages_chunked(messages: Sequence[str], chunk_size: int = 10) -> np.array:
    88    687.5 MiB    533.7 MiB           1       bert_vectorizer = BertVectorizer(model='distilbert')
    89    762.8 MiB     75.3 MiB           1       classifier = load_trained_classifier()
    91    762.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       all_preds = []
    92    976.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           6       for chunk in split_into_chunks(messages, chunk_size):
    93    976.8 MiB    213.5 MiB           5           current_vectors = bert_vectorizer.make_bert_hidden_states(chunk)
    95                                                 # Classifier needs a dummy value for group in the input
    96    976.8 MiB      0.1 MiB           5           current_vectors = current_vectors.assign(group=0)
    98    976.8 MiB      0.5 MiB           5           predicted = classifier.predict(current_vectors)
    99    976.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           5           all_preds.append(predicted)
   100    976.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       result = np.concatenate(all_preds)
   101    976.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       return result