SIH Tech Tidbits

Useful tips, libraries and tools from the Sydney Informatics Hub team

Easy delivery of local R Shiny dashboards

Sometimes we don't need to deploy R Shiny dashboards to a server, and it is ok to just run them locally.

In these cases, we can make it easier for clients and users to run dashboards we create for them using a nifty function: shiny::runGithub().

Here's an example of how to use this function, shamelessly borrowed from the documentation for this function:

runGitHub("shiny_example", "rstudio")

# Can run an app from a subdirectory in the repo
runGitHub("shiny_example", "rstudio", subdir = "inst/shinyapp/")

When you run this function, it will check if you have the dependencies for the dashboard installed, and automatically install them if you don't have them.