SIH Tech Tidbits

Useful tips, libraries and tools from the Sydney Informatics Hub team

Handling complex Python dependencies: an opinionated guide

Python dependency management has improved over the years, but you can still run into issues, particularly when using machine learning libraries like Torch or TensorFlow that have compiled or non-Python dependencies.

In my opinion, conda is very good at handling data science/machine learning projects with these complex dependencies. The conda repositories don't just contain Python packages: they also include C libraries, compiled binaries, and all the other external dependencies that packages like torch depend on. conda also tries to handle installing compatible versions for these non-Python dependencies.

Note that you only get these benefits of conda if you install packages from the conda repositories, because conda packages are different to the standard Python packages available on PyPI. If you use conda to create an environment but install via pip or a requirements.txt, you don't get conda's pre-compiled binary packages.

My personal tips for using conda in complex projects are:

  • Use an enviroment.yml file to record your dependencies
  • Use the conda-forge channel - this has a lot more packages than the default conda repository
  • Check if the packages you need are available through conda first. If not, you can install them through pip (while still specifying them in environment.yml - see below)
  • Don't pin packages to specific versions unless absolutely necessary - this is definitely more in the realm of opinion, but I think very specific version requirements make it harder to update packages in future. I would recommend pinning most packages to the current major version, e.g. dependency>=1.5.0,<2.0, unless you have a specific reason to pin to a minor version.

You can still install pip packages! (if they're not in conda-forge)

Before installing any packages via pip, you should:

  • Search conda (including the conda-forge channel) to see if the package is there: conda search -c conda-forge <package>
  • See if there's another channel that has the package available - there's a dedicated pytorch channel, and bioconda has a lot of bioinformatics tools.

To include pip packages in your conda environment, you need two entries for pip

  • One that just installs the pip package itself
  • A nested list that specifies all the packages you want to install

For example:

  - python=3.10
  - pip
  - pip:
      - ols-py==0.2.5

Example yml file for a complex project

This is one of my projects that includes multiple complex dependencies, all of which I can install using a single conda environment file.

  • A number of Python packages, some of which are installable via conda, some not - where possible, I install them from conda
  • Machine learning libraries like PyTorch
  • Bioinformatics tools and libraries, which I can install through the bioconda channel
name: my_project
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  # Python libraries
  - python=3.10
  - django=3.2.16
  - django-ninja>=0.20.0,<1.0
  - numpy
  # Bioinformatics libraries/tools
  - bioconda::htslib
  - bioconda::pysam
  - bioconda::hgvs
  # cython makes installing htslib easier
  - cython
  # Machine learning libraries
  - pytorch>=1.13.1,<1.14.0
  - transformers==4.24.0
  - accelerate
  - pip
  # Libraries not available through conda
  - pip:
      - ols-py==0.2.5
      - django-environ>=0.9.0,<1.0