Comparison of statistical test outcomes on synthetic data when counts vs frequency are different between two groups of publications.


Darya Vanichkina

The mean word count of articles in the Australian corpus is:

  • broadsheet: 810
  • tabloid: 502

Let’s generate some word counts and then see what happens with data where we have one instance of a particular language type in each article.

broad_wc <- fGarch::rsnorm(1000, mean = 810, sd = 800, xi = 5)
broad_wc <- broad_wc[broad_wc > 0]
tabl_wc <- fGarch::rsnorm(1000, mean = 502, sd = 490, xi = 5)
tabl_wc <- tabl_wc[tabl_wc > 0]

Let’s plot these:

  wc1 = broad_wc,
  wc2 = tabl_wc,
  label1 = "broadsheet",
  label2 = "tabloid") +
  xlab("Word count") +
  labs(fill = "")

Figure 1: Histogram of the word counts sampled from the distribution for broadsheet and tabloid data.

Now, let’s generate a frequency per thousand words for each of these articles, assuming they each have one instance of the language type (so from a journalist’s perspective, they’ve used the same number of instances in each article).

broad_freq <- 1000/broad_wc
tabl_freq <- 1000/tabl_wc

Note that we observe a SIGNIFICANT difference between the two samples, even though we have simulated them to each feature only ONE instance of the preferred language type.

report::report(t.test(broad_freq, tabl_freq))

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between broad_freq and tabl_freq (mean of x = 7.88, mean of y = 11.28) suggests that the effect is negative, statistically not significant, and very small (difference = -3.40, 95% CI [-14.19, 7.39], t(1469.60) = -0.62, p = 0.537; Cohen’s d = -0.03, 95% CI [-0.12, 0.06])

Using a non-parametric test does not improve the situation:

mydistribution_custom <- coin::approximate(nresample = 1000,
                              parallel = "multicore",
                              ncpus = 8)
  wc1 = broad_freq,
    wc2 = tabl_freq,
    label1 = "broadsheet",
    label2 = "tabloid",
    dist = mydistribution_custom

    Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
data:  wc by label (broadsheet, tabloid)
Z = -0.61541, p-value = 0.589
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

Note, however, that using the Chi-square goodness of fit allows us to avoid this issue, when considering the number of articles in each group:

stats::chisq.test(c(length(broad_wc), length(tabl_wc)),
                  p = c(length(broad_wc), length(tabl_wc)),
                  rescale.p = T)

    Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data:  c(length(broad_wc), length(tabl_wc))
X-squared = 0, df = 1, p-value = 1

This does remain an issue when using the Chi-square goodness of fit test when considering the total number of instances:

stats::chisq.test(c(length(broad_wc), length(tabl_wc)),
                  p = c(sum(broad_wc), sum(tabl_wc)),
                  rescale.p = T)

    Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data:  c(length(broad_wc), length(tabl_wc))
X-squared = 102.55, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16