Exploring usage of the lemma OBESE


Darya Vanichkina

Exploring usage of the adjective lemma OBESE

There is interest in exploring statistics around the use of the adjective lemma OBESE around the following research questions:

  • Do tabloids use OBESE more than broadsheets?
  • Or do broadsheets use OBESE more than tabloids?
  • Or is there no discernible pattern of use?
  • Is there any newspaper that uses OBESE more than others?
  • Any year where OBESE is the most frequent/least frequent?

Additional question:

  • Is there a difference of use by primary topic?

Executive summary

1. Tabloids use the adjective lemma OBESE more frequently than broadsheets.

  • More specifically, a Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between the frequency in broadsheets per 1000 words and frequency in tabloids (mean of broadsheets = 3.16, mean of tabloids = 5.59) suggests that the effect is negative, statistically significant, and small (difference = -2.43, 95% CI [-2.63, -2.23], t(10062.88) = -24.01, p < .001; Cohen’s d = -0.46, 95% CI [-0.50, -0.42]).

  • The total number of uses of OBESE we observe is higher in tabloids and right leaning-publications, and and lower in broadsheets and left-leaning publications than we would expect based on the word count in these subcorpora (p < 0.001).

  • The number of articles with use of OBESE we observe is not different between tabloids and broadsheets, or between left and right leaning publications.

2. Tabloids have shorter article lengths than broadsheets.

  • More specifically, using a Welch Two Sample t-test comparing the mean word count of articles from broadsheets and tabloids (mean of broadsheet = 778.84, mean of tabloid = 485.42) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and medium (difference = 293.42, 95% CI [273.82, 313.02], t(7348.69) = 29.34, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.65])

3. Investigating the data by source and year revealed that these variables explained a small amount of variance in the data, with OBESE being used less frequently in the Age, Australian, Canberra Times and Sydney Morning Herald relative to the Advertiser, while in the Hobart Mercury and Northern Territorian it was used somewhat more frequently than in the Advertiser. Use of the adjective lemma OBESE decreased with time in the corpus.

4. Significant differences in the use of OBESE were observed in articles on different topics, with articles annotated as “Awards” and “Bio-medical Research” using more instances per 1000 words than articles discussing politics, schooling, transport and commuting.

5. Significant differences in article topics were also observed between tabloids and broadsheets, with the topics “ChildrenParents”, “NutritionStudy”, “WomenPregnancy” and “FitnessExercise” approximately 3x more frequently reported on in tabloids than broadsheets, in contrast to topics like “Politics” and “SportsDoping”, which were approximately evenly represented between the two media types.

Data source

CQPweb data was provided. To calculate normalised frequency, we divide the number of observations from CQPweb by the word count in each article as calculated in Python, and multiple by 1000.

source(here::here("400_analysis", "functions.R"))
adj_obese <- read_cqpweb("aoc_all_obese_tagadjlemma.txt") 
metadata <- read_csv(here("100_data_raw", "corpus_cqpweb_metadata.csv"))
additional_source_metadata <- read_csv(here("100_data_raw", "addition_source_metadata.csv"))
topic_labels <- read_csv(here("100_data_raw", "topic_labels.csv"))
metadata_full <- inner_join(inner_join(metadata,
                                       by = c("dominant_topic" = "topic_number")),
obese_annotated <- inner_join(
  adj_obese, metadata_full, by = c("text" = "article_id")) %>% 
  mutate(frequency = 10^3*no_hits_in_text/wordcount_total)|>
  rename(article_id = text)

We group articles into tabloids and broadsheets, and by orientation, in the following manner:

metadata_full |>
  select(source, source_type, orientation) |>
  distinct() |>
Table 1: Classification of sources into types and by orientation.
source source_type orientation
Advertiser tabloid right
Australian broadsheet right
NorthernT tabloid right
CourierMail tabloid right
Age broadsheet left
SydHerald broadsheet left
Telegraph tabloid right
WestAus tabloid right
CanTimes broadsheet left
HeraldSun tabloid right
HobMercury tabloid right
BrisTimes broadsheet left

Tabloid vs broadsheet

What is the distribution of OBESE in articles?

obese_annotated %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = no_hits_in_text, fill = source_type)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge2") +
    x = "Number of hits in article, CQPWeb",
    y = "Number of articles in corpus",
    fill = "Source type"

Figure 1: Number of uses of OBESE across articles from broadsheets and tabloids.

How is this usage distributed by year (number of articles in corpus)?

obese_annotated_filtered <- obese_annotated %>%
  filter(!(source %in% c("BrisTimes", "Telegraph")))
Table 2: Number of articles that use OBESE by year and source.
source 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
Advertiser 130 144 115 127 125 158 122 127 100 96 77 75 1396
Age 140 85 107 85 102 94 88 135 93 90 63 44 1126
Australian 115 84 68 76 58 47 61 33 35 34 62 36 709
CanTimes 71 85 70 79 72 88 98 88 54 77 65 26 873
CourierMail 167 144 125 110 97 118 122 108 100 85 118 74 1368
HeraldSun 196 201 171 183 138 157 121 95 84 89 95 75 1605
HobMercury 75 59 56 57 60 63 27 33 32 32 43 38 575
NorthernT 49 54 45 30 33 31 27 30 18 20 22 12 371
SydHerald 158 126 129 130 130 124 101 142 105 110 98 81 1434
WestAus 114 96 90 98 95 77 83 44 53 27 16 6 799
BrisTimes 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 37 5 7 19 22 100
Telegraph 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 52 86 95 79 60 465
Total 1215 1078 976 975 910 958 952 924 765 762 757 549 10821

We can see that apart from the Brisbane times and Daily Telegraph, there are articles using OBESE every year and in every publication. We will filter out these two sources.

How is the frequency (per thousand words) of the usage of OBESE distributed by tabloids/broadsheets?

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = source_type, y = log(frequency))) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
    x = "Source type",
    y = "log(frequency per 1000 words)"

Figure 2: Frequency per 1000 words of usage of OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets.

And let’s also use a histogram to look at the distribution:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(fill = source_type,x = log(frequency))) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
    fill = "Source type",
    x = "log(frequency per 1000 words)",
    y = "Number of articles"

Figure 3: Histogram of the distribution of usage of OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets.

Note that broadsheets have somewhat longer texts than tabloids:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = source_type, y = log(wordcount_total))) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
    x = "Source type",
    y = "log(Python word count)"

Figure 4: Length of articles that use the lemma OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets.

Let’s use a histogram to look at the distribution in more detail:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(fill = source_type, x = log(wordcount_total))) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)+ 
    y = "Number of articles",
    x = "log(Python word count)"

Figure 5: Histogram of article lengths in tabloids and broadsheets that use the lemma OBESE.

The log-transformed word count data is approximately normally distributed.

Let’s see if the difference in length of articles using the adjective lemma OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets is significant?

wordcount_broadsheet <- obese_annotated_filtered[obese_annotated_filtered$source_type == "broadsheet","wordcount_total", drop = TRUE]
wordcount_tabloid <- obese_annotated_filtered[obese_annotated_filtered$source_type == "tabloid","wordcount_total", drop = TRUE]

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between wordcount_broadsheet and wordcount_tabloid (mean of x = 778.84, mean of y = 485.42) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and medium (difference = 293.42, 95% CI [273.82, 313.02], t(7348.69) = 29.34, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 0.60, 95% CI [0.56, 0.65])

Yes, overall articles that use the adjective lemma OBESE in tabloids are significantly shorter than in broadsheets.

This is supported by a non-parametric test as well:

fp_test(wc1 = wordcount_broadsheet,
        wc2 = wordcount_tabloid,
        label1 = "broadsheet",
        label2 = "tabloid",
        dist = mydistribution)

    Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
data:  wc by label (broadsheet, tabloid)
Z = 29.474, p-value < 1e-04
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

Let’s see whether this holds overall, across all articles in tabloids vs broadsheets, not just the ones that use the adjective lemma OBESE:

metadata_full %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = source_type, y = log(wordcount_total))) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
    x = "Source type",
    y = "log(Python word count)"

Figure 6: Boxplot of article lengths of all articles in the corpus in tabloids and broadsheets.

Let’s use a histogram to look at the distribution in more detail:

metadata_full %>%
  ggplot(aes(fill = source_type, x = log(wordcount_total))) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)+ 
    y = "Number of articles",
    x = "log(Python word count)"

Figure 7: Histogram of article lengths of all articles in the corpus in tabloids and broadsheets.

The log-transformed word count data is approximately normally distributed.

Let’s see if the difference in length of articles using the adjective lemma OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets is significant?

wordcount_broadsheet <- metadata_full[metadata_full$source_type == "broadsheet","wordcount_total", drop = T]
wordcount_tabloid <- metadata_full[metadata_full$source_type == "tabloid","wordcount_total", drop = T]

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between wordcount_broadsheet and wordcount_tabloid (mean of x = 810.15, mean of y = 502.44) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and small (difference = 307.71, 95% CI [291.01, 324.42], t(16482.54) = 36.11, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 0.47, 95% CI [0.45, 0.50])

Yes, we can see that across the entire dataset, the word count of articles published in broadsheets are longer than that in tabloids.

This is supported by a non-parametric test as well:

fp_test(wc1 = wordcount_broadsheet,
        wc2 = wordcount_tabloid,
        label1 = "broadsheet",
        label2 = "tabloid",
        dist = mydistribution)

    Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
data:  wc by label (broadsheet, tabloid)
Z = 37.999, p-value < 1e-04
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

If we then test the difference between the frequency of the adjective lemma OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets, we can see that a higher frequency per 1000 words is detected for usage of the adjective lemma OBESE in tabloids than broadsheets.

frequency_broadsheet <- obese_annotated_filtered[obese_annotated_filtered$source_type == "broadsheet","frequency", drop = T]
frequency_tabloid <- obese_annotated_filtered[obese_annotated_filtered$source_type == "tabloid","frequency", drop = T]
report::report(t.test(frequency_broadsheet, frequency_tabloid))

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between frequency_broadsheet and frequency_tabloid (mean of x = 3.16, mean of y = 5.59) suggests that the effect is negative, statistically significant, and small (difference = -2.43, 95% CI [-2.63, -2.23], t(10062.88) = -24.01, p < .001; Cohen’s d = -0.46, 95% CI [-0.50, -0.42])

So, yes, the frequency of use of the adjective lemma OBESE is higher in tabloids than in broadsheets.

This is supported by a non-parametric test as well:

fp_test(wc1 = frequency_broadsheet,
        wc2 = frequency_tabloid,
        label1 = "broadsheet",
        label2 = "tabloid",
        dist = mydistribution)

    Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
data:  wc by label (broadsheet, tabloid)
Z = -21.36, p-value < 1e-04
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

Let’s use bootstrapping to see if the raw frequencies of usage of OBESE are different?

broadsheet_counts <- NULL
tabloid_counts <- NULL
for (i in 1:10000) {
  x <- mean(sample({obese_annotated_filtered %>% 
        filter(source_type == "broadsheet") %>%
        pull(no_hits_in_text)}, 1000, replace = FALSE))
  y <- mean(sample({obese_annotated_filtered %>% 
        filter(source_type == "tabloid") %>%
        pull(no_hits_in_text)}, 1000, replace = FALSE))
  broadsheet_counts <- c(broadsheet_counts, x)
  tabloid_counts <- c(tabloid_counts, y)
counts_comparison <- data.frame(
  mean_sample = c(broadsheet_counts, tabloid_counts),
  source_type = c(
    rep("broadsheet", length(broadsheet_counts)),
    rep("tabloid", length(tabloid_counts))))
counts_comparison %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = mean_sample, fill = source_type)) + 

Figure 8: Histogram of sampling of counts per article of the raw frequency of use of OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets.

It is interesting that the distribution of usage of OBESE is ~1.6 uses per article in tabloid publications, while the distribution for broadsheets was bimodal.


The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between broadsheet_counts and tabloid_counts (mean of x = 1.71, mean of y = 1.60) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and large (difference = 0.11, 95% CI [0.11, 0.11], t(18734.64) = 186.07, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 2.63, 95% CI [2.89, 2.89])

This is supported by a non-parametric test as well:

fp_test(wc1 = broadsheet_counts,
        wc2 = tabloid_counts,
        label1 = "broadsheet",
        label2 = "tabloid",
        dist = mydistribution)

    Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
data:  wc by label (broadsheet, tabloid)
Z = 112.59, p-value < 1e-04
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

So the COUNT of instances of the adjective lemma OBESE is HIGHER in broadsheets than tabloids - the opposite result of when we consider the frequency. This is likely to be due to broadsheets having much longer articles than tabloids.

Let’s look at the trend over time:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(year), 
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = year)) + 
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_smooth(aes(group = source_type), col = "blue", method = "loess") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, col = "red", lty = 3, size = 3) + 
  facet_wrap(~source_type) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA") + 
    x = "Year",
    y = "log(frequency per 1000 words)"

Figure 9: Raw and smoothed frequency of use of OBESE in the corpus in tabloids and broadsheets, by year and publication type.

We can see that there is a difference:

  • between tabloids and broadsheets, as characterised above
  • usage subtly decreases in both over time

Comparing observed to normalised to subcorpus size data

We can investigate the prevalence of the use of OBESE using goodness of fit tests, comparing the distribution in:

  • tabloids vs broadsheets
  • left and right leaning publications

We can do this by looking at:

  • the total number of instances in each subcorpus, normalised to the total number of words in each subcorpus
  • the number of articles that feature this language type, normalised to the total number of articles in each subcorpus

Tabloids vs broadsheets

The total number of uses of OBESE we observe is higher in tabloids and lower in broadsheets than we would expect based on the word count in these subcorpora (p < 0.001).

chisq_instances_wc_normalised(obese_annotated_filtered, metadata_full, source_type) |> kable()
Table 3: Chi-Squared test for number of uses of OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets vs what would be expected given word count across all articles in the publication types.
variable value
method Chi-squared test for given probabilities
parameter 1
statistic 778.4111
p.value 2.666527e-171
broadsheet_observed 7071
broadsheet_expected 8878.82882136884
tabloid_observed 9773
tabloid_expected 7965.17117863116

The number of articles with use of OBESE we observe is not different between tabloids and broadsheets.

chisq_articles_totalart_normalised(obese_annotated_filtered, metadata_full, source_type) |> kable()
Table 4: Chi-Squared test for number of articles that use OBESE in tabloids and broadsheets vs what would be expected given total number of articles in the publication types.
variable value
method Chi-squared test for given probabilities
parameter 1
statistic 1.012291
p.value 0.3143545
broadsheet_observed 4142
broadsheet_expected 4192.09050949815
tabloid_observed 6114
tabloid_expected 6063.90949050185

Left vs right-leaning publications

The total number of uses of OBESE we observe is higher in right and lower in left-leaning publications than we would expect based on the word count in these subcorpora (p < 0.001).

chisq_instances_wc_normalised(obese_annotated_filtered, metadata_full, orientation) |> kable()
Table 5: Chi-Squared test for number of uses of OBESE in left and right leaning publications vs what would be expected given word count across all articles in the publication types.
variable value
method Chi-squared test for given probabilities
parameter 1
statistic 336.0413
p.value 4.645282e-75
left_observed 5938
left_expected 7113.11347665779
right_observed 10906
right_expected 9730.88652334221

The number of articles that use OBESE we observe is not different between left and right leaning publications.

chisq_articles_totalart_normalised(obese_annotated_filtered, metadata_full, orientation) |> kable()
Table 6: Chi-Squared test for number of articles that use OBESE left and right leaning publications vs what would be expected given total number of articles in the publication types.
variable value
method Chi-squared test for given probabilities
parameter 1
statistic 0.03741104
p.value 0.8466306
left_observed 3433
left_expected 3423.7627183427
right_observed 6823
right_expected 6832.2372816573

Differences in usage by source

Is there a difference in the usage of OBESE by source?

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(source,frequency), 
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = source_type)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA")

Figure 10: Box plot of usage of OBESE by source.

The visualisation suggests there is not - only the differences observed above for tabloids vs broadsheets.

What are the means and standard deviations of the frequency by source?

obese_annotated_filtered %>% 
  group_by(source) %>%
    mean = mean(frequency),
    median = median(frequency),
    sd = sd(frequency),
    type = (source_type)
  ) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  arrange(mean) %>%
Table 7: Mean, median and standard deviation of frequency of use of OBESE by source.
source mean median sd type
Australian 2.817048 1.792115 3.175300 broadsheet
SydHerald 3.072108 1.821494 3.657049 broadsheet
Age 3.154595 1.828154 4.060922 broadsheet
CanTimes 3.569830 2.200220 4.025436 broadsheet
WestAus 5.292246 3.397508 5.496833 tabloid
CourierMail 5.351845 3.514949 5.800857 tabloid
HeraldSun 5.493390 3.194888 6.965477 tabloid
Advertiser 5.565510 3.120132 6.236993 tabloid
NorthernT 6.251933 4.385965 6.097086 tabloid
HobMercury 6.464202 3.802281 8.143909 tabloid

It seems that within the different sources among broadsheets and tabloids there is not much difference among the frequency of use of the adjective lemma OBESE.

Differences in usage by year

Is there any year when OBESE is used more frequently than others?

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(year,frequency), 
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = year)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA")

Figure 11: Use of OBESE by year, sorted by median use per year from least frequent to most frequent.

Based on the visualisation it seems not. If we separate out by source there also doesn’t seem to be much difference. If we use a jitter plot to visualise the data, then fit a smoothing line and compare with the line of “no change” (dashed red line), we can see that there really isn’t a very strong difference by source and year:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(year), 
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = year)) + 
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_smooth(aes(group = source), col = "blue", method = "loess") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, col = "red", lty = 3, size = 3) + 
  facet_wrap(~source) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA") + 
    x = "Year",
    y = "log(frequency per 1000 words)"

Figure 12: Use of OBESE by year and source, split by publication.

The distributions each year also look quite similar:

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(year,frequency), 
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = year)) + 
  geom_violin() +
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA") +
  labs(x = "Year")

Figure 13: Violin plot of the distributions of use of OBESE by year.

obese_annotated_filtered %>% 
  group_by(year) %>%
    mean = mean(frequency),
    median = median(frequency),
    sd = sd(frequency),
    year = (year)
  ) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  arrange(mean) %>%
Table 8: Descriptive statistics of the use of OBESE by year across the dataset.
year mean median sd
2019 3.817842 2.475248 3.971667
2017 3.866365 2.389490 4.300584
2018 3.966531 2.409639 4.616181
2015 4.335848 2.531646 4.950555
2016 4.471581 2.649011 5.673864
2008 4.512463 2.732240 4.882211
2013 4.581882 2.793296 5.057143
2009 4.801149 2.706365 6.176861
2014 4.926691 2.840909 6.018102
2010 4.938758 2.743489 7.376403
2012 5.065254 2.816924 6.234889
2011 5.128600 2.865330 6.218089

Differences in usage by source type, source and year

We can also try to simultaneously model differences by source type, source and year.

As expected, a model that includes the source type (tabloid vs broadsheet) gives a better fit than one that does not:

obese_annotated_filtered$scaled_year <- scale(
  obese_annotated_filtered$year, scale = F)
# base model
m_0_base <- lm(log(frequency) ~ 1, 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered)
# with source type
m_0_sourcetype <- lm(log(frequency) ~ source_type,  
                data = obese_annotated_filtered)
# with year
m_0_year <- lm(log(frequency) ~ scaled_year,  
                data = obese_annotated_filtered)
# with source 
m_0_source <- lm(log(frequency) ~ source,  
                data = obese_annotated_filtered)
# with source and year
# with source 
m_0_sourceyear <- lm(log(frequency) ~ source + scaled_year,  
                data = obese_annotated_filtered)
# compare
rbind({broom::glance(m_0_base) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-df.residual,- deviance, -nobs) %>%
    mutate(model = "1")},
          dplyr::select(-df.residual,- deviance, -nobs) %>%
        mutate(model = "source_type")},
    {broom::glance(m_0_year) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-df.residual,- deviance, -nobs) %>%
    mutate(model = "scaled_year")},
    {broom::glance(m_0_source) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-df.residual,- deviance, -nobs) %>%
    mutate(model = "source")},
    {broom::glance(m_0_sourceyear) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-df.residual,- deviance, -nobs) %>%
    mutate(model = "sourceyear")}
) %>% 
  dplyr::select(model, everything()) %>%
  arrange(AIC) %>%
Table 9: Comparison of model summary statistics for simple linear models that incorporate source, scaled year and/or source type.
model r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC
sourceyear 0.0965926 0.0957108 0.8690119 109.53982 0e+00 10 -13107.20 26238.41 26325.24
source 0.0952110 0.0944163 0.8696337 119.79863 0e+00 9 -13115.04 26252.08 26331.67
source_type 0.0891430 0.0890541 0.8722045 1003.52945 0e+00 1 -13149.32 26304.63 26326.34
scaled_year 0.0026045 0.0025072 0.9126977 26.77577 2e-07 1 -13614.74 27235.48 27257.19
1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.9138440 NA NA NA -13628.12 27260.23 27274.70

We can see that the model incorporating source and year provides the best fit for the data, explaining somewhat more variability than that which includes only source type.

anova(m_0_sourcetype, m_0_sourceyear)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: log(frequency) ~ source_type
Model 2: log(frequency) ~ source + scaled_year
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
1  10254 7800.6                                  
2  10245 7736.8  9    63.799 9.3868 2.396e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Next, let’s compare if having a distinct intercept for each source improves the fit of the model.

m_1_source <- lmer(log(frequency) ~  1 + (1|source), 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered, REML = T)
m_1_sourceyear <- lmer(log(frequency) ~  scaled_year + (1|source), 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered, REML = T)
m_1_sourceyear2 <- lmer(log(frequency) ~  scaled_year + (scaled_year|source), 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered, REML = T)
m_1_sourceyeartype <- lmer(log(frequency) ~  scaled_year + source_type + (1|source), 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered, REML = T)
m_1_sourceyeartype2 <- lmer(log(frequency) ~  scaled_year + source_type + (scaled_year|source), 
                data = obese_annotated_filtered, REML = T)
          dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
        mutate(model = "scaled_year + source")},
    {broom.mixed::glance(m_1_source) %>% 
    dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
    mutate(model = "1 + (1/source)")},
          dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
        mutate(model = "scaled_year + 1/source")},
          dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
        mutate(model = "scaled_year + source_type + 1/source")},
          dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
        mutate(model = "scaled_year + scaled_year/source")},
          dplyr::select(AIC, BIC, logLik) %>%
        mutate(model = "scaled_year + source_type + scaled_year/source")}
) %>%
  arrange(AIC) %>%
Table 10: Comparison of model summary statistics for linear mixed effects models that incorporate source, scaled year and/or source type.
AIC BIC logLik model
26238.41 26325.24 -13107.20 scaled_year + source
26239.73 26290.38 -13112.86 scaled_year + source_type + scaled_year/source
26256.38 26299.79 -13122.19 scaled_year + scaled_year/source
26275.94 26312.12 -13132.97 scaled_year + source_type + 1/source
26292.53 26321.47 -13142.26 scaled_year + 1/source
26296.20 26317.91 -13145.10 1 + (1/source)

Including a distinct intercept for each source did not drastically improve the fit of the model (AIC increases, logLik decreases; BIC does decrease slightly, so based on this criteria it may be a slightly better fit).

Let’s plot the residuals for the fixed effects model:

df_model_resid <- get_model_resid_df(m_0_sourceyear)

Figure 14: Plot of model residuals for the fixed effects model log(frequency) ~ source + scaled_year.

Proportion of data points with:

  • abs(standardized residuals) > 3.29: 0.13%
  • abs(standardized residuals) > 2.58: 1.02%
  • abs(standardized residuals) > 1.96: 4.93%

All of these indicate the model is performing reasonably well on the data.

Let’s summarise the model (note that the intercept corresponds to the “first” source, i.e. the Advertiser):

Table 11: Coefficients and confidence intervals for the fixed effects model log(frequency) ~ source + scaled_year.
Predictors Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 1.27 1.22 – 1.31 <0.001
source [Age] -0.55 -0.62 – -0.48 <0.001
source [Australian] -0.63 -0.71 – -0.55 <0.001
source [CanTimes] -0.37 -0.44 – -0.30 <0.001
source [CourierMail] 0.01 -0.06 – 0.07 0.816
source [HeraldSun] 0.02 -0.05 – 0.08 0.628
source [HobMercury] 0.14 0.06 – 0.23 0.001
source [NorthernT] 0.23 0.13 – 0.33 <0.001
source [SydHerald] -0.52 -0.59 – -0.46 <0.001
source [WestAus] 0.02 -0.05 – 0.10 0.552
scaled year -0.01 -0.02 – -0.01 <0.001
Observations 10256
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.097 / 0.096

In summary, the fixed effects model which included source and year provided a good fit. Let’s summarise this model:


We fitted a linear model (estimated using OLS) to predict frequency with source and scaled_year (formula: log(frequency) ~ source + scaled_year). The model explains a statistically significant and weak proportion of variance (R2 = 0.10, F(10, 10245) = 109.54, p < .001, adj. R2 = 0.10). The model’s intercept, corresponding to source = Advertiser and scaled_year = 0, is at 1.27 (95% CI [1.22, 1.31], t(10245) = 54.39, p < .001). Within this model:

  • The effect of source [Age] is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.55, 95% CI [-0.62, -0.48], t(10245) = -15.82, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.21, 95% CI [-0.23, -0.18])
  • The effect of source [Australian] is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.63, 95% CI [-0.71, -0.55], t(10245) = -15.68, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.23, 95% CI [-0.27, -0.20])
  • The effect of source [CanTimes] is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.37, 95% CI [-0.44, -0.30], t(10245) = -9.90, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.16, 95% CI [-0.19, -0.13])
  • The effect of source [CourierMail] is statistically non-significant and positive (beta = 7.70e-03, 95% CI [-0.06, 0.07], t(10245) = 0.23, p = 0.816; Std. beta = -6.00e-03, 95% CI [-0.03, 0.02])
  • The effect of source [HeraldSun] is statistically non-significant and positive (beta = 0.02, 95% CI [-0.05, 0.08], t(10245) = 0.48, p = 0.628; Std. beta = -8.24e-03, 95% CI [-0.03, 0.02])
  • The effect of source [HobMercury] is statistically significant and positive (beta = 0.14, 95% CI [0.06, 0.23], t(10245) = 3.31, p < .001; Std. beta = 0.06, 95% CI [0.02, 0.09])
  • The effect of source [NorthernT] is statistically significant and positive (beta = 0.23, 95% CI [0.13, 0.33], t(10245) = 4.44, p < .001; Std. beta = 0.07, 95% CI [0.03, 0.11])
  • The effect of source [SydHerald] is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.52, 95% CI [-0.59, -0.46], t(10245) = -16.02, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.21, 95% CI [-0.23, -0.18])
  • The effect of source [WestAus] is statistically non-significant and positive (beta = 0.02, 95% CI [-0.05, 0.10], t(10245) = 0.59, p = 0.552; Std. beta = -0.01, 95% CI [-0.04, 0.02])
  • The effect of scaled year is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.01, 95% CI [-0.02, -5.16e-03], t(10245) = -3.96, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.02, 95% CI [-0.02, -8.05e-03])

Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were computed using the Wald approximation.

To summarise, a model was fit by source and year, which explained a small amount of variance in the data. It showed that the Age, Australian, Canberra Times and Sydney Morning Herald had a lower frequency of use of the adjective lemma OBESE relative to the Advertiser, while in the Hobart Mercury, Northern Territorian the adjective lemma OBESE was used somewhat more frequently than in the Advertiser. Use of the adjective lemma OBESE decreased with time in the corpus.

If we look at the mixed effects model scaled_year + source_type + scaled_year/source, which had the lowest BIC, we can see that the observation of higher frequency of counts in tabloids is reproduced, while the signal from the decrease by year is not detected:

Table 12: Coefficients and confidence intervals for the mixed effects model scaled_year + source_type + scaled_year/source.
Predictors Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 0.75 0.65 – 0.84 <0.001
scaled year -0.01 -0.02 – 0.00 0.054
source type [tabloid] 0.58 0.46 – 0.70 <0.001
Random Effects
σ2 0.75
τ00source 0.01
τ11source.scaled_year 0.00
ρ01source -0.18
ICC 0.02
N source 10
Observations 10256
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.100 / 0.114

The intercepts and slopes for scaled year for each of the sources were:

coef(m_1_sourceyeartype2)$source %>% 
  arrange(`(Intercept)`) %>% 
Table 13: Intercepts and coefficients for the mixed effects model scaled_year + source_type + scaled_year/source.
(Intercept) scaled_year source_typetabloid
Australian 0.6482964 -0.0153703 0.5831533
CourierMail 0.6838377 0.0273333 0.5831533
Advertiser 0.6941022 -0.0378463 0.5831533
HeraldSun 0.7009579 -0.0077894 0.5831533
WestAus 0.7057935 -0.0152603 0.5831533
Age 0.7172206 -0.0107049 0.5831533
SydHerald 0.7434942 -0.0139594 0.5831533
HobMercury 0.8135840 -0.0111710 0.5831533
NorthernT 0.8725238 -0.0212058 0.5831533
CanTimes 0.8825098 -0.0163459 0.5831533

Differences in usage by topic

metadata_full %>%
  group_by(source_type) %>%
  count(topic_label) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = source_type, values_from = n) %>%
    total_topic = broadsheet + tabloid,
    prop_broadsheet = round(100*broadsheet/total_topic, 2)
  ) %>% 
  arrange(prop_broadsheet) %>%
Table 14: Number of articles published on various topics in tabloids and broadsheets, with topics predicted using topic modelling analysis.
topic_label broadsheet tabloid total_topic prop_broadsheet
ChildrenParents 364 1335 1699 21.42
NutritionStudy 642 1797 2439 26.32
WomenPregnancy 159 385 544 29.23
FitnessExercise 464 1093 1557 29.80
BiomedResearch 1013 2077 3090 32.78
MedicalHealth 297 524 821 36.18
Food 539 800 1339 40.25
FastFood&Drinks 1044 1441 2485 42.01
Transport&Commuting 427 559 986 43.31
WomenGirls 625 744 1369 45.65
Awards 28 33 61 45.90
PublicHealthReport 1243 1338 2581 48.16
Students&Teachers 536 572 1108 48.38
Microbiome 32 33 65 49.23
SportsDoping 260 253 513 50.68
Politics 1478 1249 2727 54.20
MusicMovies 1543 1236 2779 55.52

We can see that articles labelled with the topics “ChildrenParents”, “NutritionStudy”, “WomenPregnancy” and “FitnessExercise” are approximately 3x more frequently reported on in tabloids than broadsheets, in contrast to topics like “Politics” and “SportsDoping” which are approximately evenly represented between the two media types.

obese_annotated_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(
             y = log(frequency), 
             fill = topic_label)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  theme(axis.text.x = 
          element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
        legend.position = "NA") +
  labs(x = "Topic label",
       y = "log(frequency per 1000 words)")

Figure 15: Frequency of use of OBESE per 1000 words in articles annotated with specific topic lables.

It seems there are some topics that use OBESE more than others.

We use a simple linear model with post-hoc comparisons and Bonferroni multiple testing correction:

obese_by_topic <- lm(
  frequency ~ as.factor(topic_label), 
  data = obese_annotated_filtered)
obese_by_topic_comp <- emmeans(obese_by_topic, pairwise ~ as.factor(topic_label), adjust = "bonferroni")
obese_by_topic_comp$contrasts %>%
    summary(infer = TRUE) %>%
  filter(p.value < 0.01) %>% 
  select(-df) |>
Table 15: Differences in use of OBESE in articles annoated with specific topics, with topics compared pairwise with each other.
contrast estimate SE lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value
Awards - Food 5.942155 1.4853012 0.6493259 11.2349838 4.000640 0.0086518
Awards - Politics 6.288435 1.4729512 1.0396145 11.5372546 4.269276 0.0026911
Awards - Students&Teachers 6.172930 1.4968448 0.8389660 11.5068943 4.123961 0.0051048
Awards - Transport&Commuting 5.942849 1.4971190 0.6079082 11.2777906 3.969524 0.0098612
BiomedResearch - ChildrenParents 2.635277 0.2323342 1.8073605 3.4631932 11.342613 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - FastFood&Drinks 4.493757 0.2333711 3.6621454 5.3253683 19.255838 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - FitnessExercise 3.872260 0.2219288 3.0814229 4.6630966 17.448211 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - Food 5.623753 0.2991564 4.5577179 6.6897886 18.798706 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - MedicalHealth 4.461614 0.3299740 3.2857608 5.6374669 13.521107 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - Microbiome 5.446934 1.1570708 1.3237445 9.5701229 4.707520 0.0003455
BiomedResearch - MusicMovies 5.496256 0.1920506 4.8118893 6.1806227 28.618798 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - NutritionStudy 3.717134 0.2237552 2.9197880 4.5144790 16.612498 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - Politics 5.970033 0.2301306 5.1499692 6.7900968 25.941938 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - PublicHealthReport 1.510443 0.2134401 0.7498552 2.2710307 7.076659 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - Students&Teachers 5.854529 0.3520215 4.6001098 7.1089473 16.631166 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - Transport&Commuting 5.624448 0.3531856 4.3658810 6.8830145 15.924909 0.0000000
BiomedResearch - WomenGirls 5.197677 0.2446344 4.3259286 6.0694243 21.246710 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - FastFood&Drinks 1.858480 0.2705723 0.8943035 2.8226567 6.868701 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - FitnessExercise 1.236983 0.2607674 0.3077457 2.1662201 4.743626 0.0002894
ChildrenParents - Food 2.988476 0.3290012 1.8160898 4.1608630 9.083481 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - MedicalHealth 1.826337 0.3572536 0.5532740 3.0994000 5.112159 0.0000441
ChildrenParents - MusicMovies 2.860979 0.2358616 2.0204932 3.7014651 12.129909 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - NutritionStudy 1.081857 0.2623236 0.1470739 2.0166394 4.124130 0.0051011
ChildrenParents - Politics 3.334756 0.2677823 2.3805216 4.2889907 12.453238 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - PublicHealthReport -1.124834 0.2535822 -2.0284669 -0.2212008 -4.435776 0.0012607
ChildrenParents - Students&Teachers 3.219252 0.3777121 1.8732854 4.5652181 8.523031 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - Transport&Commuting 2.989171 0.3787972 1.6393379 4.3390039 7.891218 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - WomenGirls 2.562400 0.2803449 1.5633986 3.5614007 9.140169 0.0000000
ChildrenParents - WomenPregnancy -2.125124 0.3656700 -3.4281787 -0.8220691 -5.811589 0.0000009
FastFood&Drinks - MusicMovies 1.002499 0.2368831 0.1583730 1.8466252 4.232042 0.0031769
FastFood&Drinks - Politics 1.476276 0.2686824 0.5188338 2.4337183 5.494502 0.0000055
FastFood&Drinks - PublicHealthReport -2.983314 0.2545326 -3.8903337 -2.0762942 -11.720753 0.0000000
FastFood&Drinks - WomenPregnancy -3.983604 0.3663297 -5.2890096 -2.6781982 -10.874367 0.0000000
FitnessExercise - Food 1.751494 0.3217375 0.6049911 2.8979959 5.443859 0.0000073
FitnessExercise - MusicMovies 1.623996 0.2256189 0.8200098 2.4279827 7.197963 0.0000000
FitnessExercise - Politics 2.097773 0.2588060 1.1755254 3.0200210 8.105582 0.0000000
FitnessExercise - PublicHealthReport -2.361817 0.2440843 -3.2316042 -1.4920294 -9.676235 0.0000000
FitnessExercise - Students&Teachers 1.982269 0.3714022 0.6587875 3.3057501 5.337256 0.0000131
FitnessExercise - Transport&Commuting 1.752188 0.3725057 0.4247745 3.0796015 4.703789 0.0003519
FitnessExercise - WomenGirls 1.325417 0.2717838 0.3569227 2.2939107 4.876731 0.0001489
FitnessExercise - WomenPregnancy -3.362107 0.3591487 -4.6419229 -2.0822907 -9.361323 0.0000000
Food - NutritionStudy -1.906620 0.3230001 -3.0576213 -0.7556181 -5.902846 0.0000005
Food - PublicHealthReport -4.113310 0.3159419 -5.2391605 -2.9874601 -13.019197 0.0000000
Food - WomenPregnancy -5.113600 0.4113757 -6.5795258 -3.6476747 -12.430488 0.0000000
MedicalHealth - Politics 1.508419 0.3558244 0.2404489 2.7763894 4.239223 0.0030772
MedicalHealth - PublicHealthReport -2.951171 0.3452646 -4.1815114 -1.7208304 -8.547564 0.0000000
MedicalHealth - WomenPregnancy -3.951461 0.4343020 -5.4990839 -2.4038379 -9.098417 0.0000000
Microbiome - WomenPregnancy -4.936781 1.1910282 -9.1809762 -0.6925853 -4.144974 0.0046592
MusicMovies - NutritionStudy -1.779122 0.2274157 -2.5895120 -0.9687330 -7.823217 0.0000000
MusicMovies - PublicHealthReport -3.985813 0.2172744 -4.7600643 -3.2115618 -18.344603 0.0000000
MusicMovies - WomenPregnancy -4.986103 0.3414950 -6.2030107 -3.7691954 -14.600810 0.0000000
NutritionStudy - Politics 2.252899 0.2603739 1.3250644 3.1807345 8.652555 0.0000000
NutritionStudy - PublicHealthReport -2.206691 0.2457462 -3.0824000 -1.3309811 -8.979553 0.0000000
NutritionStudy - Students&Teachers 2.137395 0.3724965 0.8100143 3.4647759 5.738027 0.0000013
NutritionStudy - Transport&Commuting 1.907314 0.3735967 0.5760128 3.2386157 5.105275 0.0000457
NutritionStudy - WomenGirls 1.480543 0.2732773 0.5067270 2.4543590 5.417731 0.0000084
NutritionStudy - WomenPregnancy -3.206980 0.3602802 -4.4908287 -1.9231323 -8.901352 0.0000000
Politics - PublicHealthReport -4.459590 0.2515648 -5.3560340 -3.5631460 -17.727402 0.0000000
Politics - WomenPregnancy -5.459880 0.3642739 -6.7579598 -4.1618003 -14.988392 0.0000000
PublicHealthReport - Students&Teachers 4.344086 0.3663931 3.0384541 5.6497171 11.856351 0.0000000
PublicHealthReport - Transport&Commuting 4.114005 0.3675116 2.8043875 5.4236221 11.194217 0.0000000
PublicHealthReport - WomenGirls 3.687234 0.2648976 2.7432783 4.6311888 13.919465 0.0000000
Students&Teachers - WomenPregnancy -5.344376 0.4512810 -6.9525027 -3.7362485 -11.842678 0.0000000
Transport&Commuting - WomenPregnancy -5.114295 0.4521896 -6.7256596 -3.5029300 -11.310067 0.0000000
WomenGirls - WomenPregnancy -4.687524 0.3736059 -6.0188577 -3.3561893 -12.546705 0.0000000

We can see that there are differences in the frequency of use of the adjective lemma OBESE by topic, with articles annotated as “Awards” and “Bio-medical Research” using more instances per 1000 words than articles discussing politics, schooling, transport and commuting.