Introduction to NCI Gadi

Synopsis: This course is to give experienced supercomputer users a quickstart guide for using the National Computational Infrastructure’s (NCI) High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster ‘Gadi’.

This material will be presented live but will also be available as online material and as a recorded presentation.


  • Know how to connect to an ssh server from a terminal client
  • Be competent using the Unix/Linux command line
  • Understand general HPC concepts
  • Know how to submit jobs to a PBS Pro (or similar) job scheduler

Follow-on courses: This course is the first of a number of SIH Gadi courses. We intend to provide courses for running specific optimised workflows on Gadi, eg Trinity transcriptome assembly, whole genome sequence analysis, and more. Watch this space!

Course survey!

Please fill out our course survey before you leave!

Help us help you! :smiley:


00:00 1. Introduction and agenda SIH introduction and workshop agenda
00:05 2. About NCI Gadi Software and workflows suitable for Gadi
00:14 3. Accounting Querying disk and KSU available per project
00:22 4. PBS jobs and Gadi-specific commands PBS jobs on Gadi and compute node local disk
00:42 5. Data transfer Transfer to, from and within Gadi
00:48 6. Software Global versus local software
Make your own local software compatible with module commands
00:53 7. Optimisation Selecting the appropriate resources for your job to maximise efficiency
01:18 8. Example parallel job Run multi-node parallel jobs on Gadi
01:48 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.