Running Workflows on HPC
NCI Gadi
Before you can execute workflows on Tower on Gadi, you will first need to run the tower agent. Navigate to the previously set up tower-nf directory on the command line and run the agent, for example:
cd /g/data/nci_project/tower/tower-nf
Back at the tower interface: 1. Navigate to the launchpad 2. Select the launch button for the desired pipeline 3. Provide parameters and input files as required 4. Select launch when ready
Alternatively, run the pipeline on the command line and monitor on Tower:
Pawsey Setonix
Before you can execute workflows on Tower on Setonix, you will first need to run the tower agent. Navigate to the previously set up tower-nf directory on the command line and run the agent:
Back at the tower interface, navigate to your launchpad and launch the workflow, same as above.
Monitor a run
Once you’ve launched a pipeline run, you can monitor its execution in the Runs tab on the top menu bar. See the Nextflow Tower documentation for more details on how to use this feature.