Setting up Python environment

Jupyter Hub

We will be using an online “Jupyter Hub” python environment for the workshop. This environment contains all the required libraries and packages pre-configured and allows you to use Python “notebooks” on-demand with a “Jupyter Lab” ide.


Navigate your browser to

Click the Sign in with AAF button.

Go through your institutional sign-in process.

If you have no idea what AAF is or your institution is not listed, let us know and we can provide an alternate account for the workshop!

Select the AgReFed Python environment server option and then click START. The environment has all the dependant software required to run the Geodata Harvester.

You should now be in a “Jupyter Lab” interface. Select the Notebook > Python3 (ipykernel) to get started!

Install Geodata Harvester

In the Jupyter notebook install geodata-harvester via conda (recommended)

!conda install -c conda-forge geodata-harvester --yes

You can then import the library via (note the underscore _ for import of library)

import geodata_harvester as gh

Optional: Local Setup

Conda install

The Geodata-Harvester is available through the conda package manager in the conda-forge channel, installation can be accomplished with:

conda install -c conda-forge geodata_harvester

This will compile and install all the dependencies required. You may now invoke the geodata-harvester directly from a python terminal with:

import geodata_harvester as gh

Note the subtle but important difference in use of an underscore _ to import the package and the use of a dash - to install it!

Pip install

Geodata-harvester can be installed via pypi, which requires a pre-installation of gdal in your environment (see the buld instructions below). Once gdal is installed, you can install geodata-harvester via

pip install geodata-harvester

Build the Python environment

To build the Geodata Harvester from scratch see the dependencies listed in the environment file.

To install the dependencies for the Geodata Harvester you may use the environment file directly in conda:

conda env create -f environment.yaml -n gdh
conda activate gdh

Now you can install the Geodata Harvester from pypi with:

pip install geodata-harvester

Source Code

To contribute to the development and to understand how the Geodata Harvester works, visit the geodata-harvester GitHub repo.