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Meta Analysis

Systematic Review, USYD library @USyd library

Stani says: A great resource by our very own library to get started with systematic reviews.

Borenstein, M. Introduction to Meta-Analysis @USyd library

Jim says: Borenstein is a world renowned expert on meta-analysis and is responsible for developing the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software tool. His book is well written and is always my first choice when looking for answers to meta-analysis questions.

Higgins, J and Green, S., (Editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions @USyd library

Jim says: Cochrane is an international network founded in 1993 that is without peer in promoting good scientific practice for systematic reviews of medical research. If you follow the Cochrane handbook you can be assured your methods are rigorous, defensible and following best practice.

Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T., Ebert, D. Doing Meta-Analysis in R Website and Book

Jim says: If you are planning to use the R language with a package such as meta or metafor then you will find this website really useful. It covers some topics that are not included in basic textbooks such as Network meta-analysis and Bayesian meta-analysis.