Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for ML


  • Introduce some of the key packages for EDA and ML.
  • Introduce and explore an dataset for ML
  • Clean up a dataset
  • Install additional Python libraries

First, let’s load the required libraries. We will use the sklearn library for our ML tasks, and the pandas, numpy, matplotlib seaborn and upsetplot libraries for general data processing and visualisation.

# Disable some warnings produced by pandas etc.
# (Don't do this in your actual analyses!)
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=UserWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import model_selection

#You probably do not have this library! Install it with pip:
#!pip install UpSetPlot
import upsetplot
%matplotlib inline
sns.set(font_scale = 1.5)

Load the data

Download the data and put it in your “data” folder. You will have to download it from the GitHub repo (right click on the Download button and select “Save link as..”). Our data is based on a submitted Manuscript (Butterworth and Barnett-Moore 2020) which was a finalist in the Unearthed, ExploreSA: Gawler Challenge.

The dataset contains a mix of categorical and numerical values, representing various geophysical and geological measurements across the Gawler Craton in South Australia.

#ameshousingClean = pd.read_csv('data/AmesHousingClean.csv')
#ameshousingClean = pd.read_csv('../data/training_data-DIA.txt')

#Read in the data
#Set a value for NaNs
#Drop many of the columns (so it is easier to work with)
df = pd.read_csv('../data/training_data-Cu.txt',na_values='-9999.0')
cols = list(range(5,65))


Exploratory data analysis

Exploratory data analysis involves looking at:

  • the distribution of variables in your dataset
  • whether any data is missing
  • skewed
  • correlated variables
#What are the dimensions of the data?
(3138, 38)
#Look at the data:
lon lat res-25 res-77 res-309183 neoFaults archFaults gairFaults aster1-AlOH-cont aster2-AlOH mag21-tmi rad22-dose rad23-k rad24-th rad25-u grav26 archean27 geol28 random deposit
0 129.106649 -26.135900 1.9959 1.9935 2.5780 0.858696 0.874997 2.718781 1.907609 NaN -88.364891 34.762928 1.269402 6.065621 38.492386 27.176790 14552 17296 999 1
1 132.781571 -26.151144 2.0450 2.0651 2.3873 0.607134 0.936479 1.468679 2.032987 1.076198 -190.025864 89.423668 3.169631 15.980172 56.650471 -83.541550 14552 17068 -999 1
2 132.816676 -26.159202 2.0450 2.0651 2.3873 0.577540 0.914588 1.446256 1.982274 1.050442 -251.018036 75.961006 2.525403 15.625917 58.361298 -81.498817 14552 17296 -999 1
3 128.945869 -26.179362 1.9978 1.9964 2.6844 0.810394 0.826784 2.813603 1.947705 NaN 873.983521 46.321651 NaN NaN 50.577263 33.863503 NaN NaN -999 1
4 132.549807 -26.185500 2.0694 2.0999 2.3574 0.652131 1.026991 1.499793 1.977050 1.064977 71.432777 47.194534 2.367707 6.874684 29.794928 -90.970375 14552 17296 -999 1

5 rows × 38 columns

#What types are each of the columns?
lon                     float64
lat                     float64
res-25                  float64
res-77                  float64
res-309183              float64
neoFaults               float64
archFaults              float64
gairFaults              float64
aster1-AlOH-cont        float64
aster2-AlOH             float64
aster3-FeOH-cont        float64
aster4-Ferric-cont      float64
aster5-Ferrous-cont     float64
aster6-Ferrous-index    float64
aster7-MgOH-comp        float64
aster8-MgOH-cont        float64
aster9-green            float64
aster10-kaolin          float64
aster11-opaque          float64
aster12-quartz          float64
aster13-regolith-b3     float64
aster14-regolith-b4     float64
aster15-silica          float64
base16                  float64
dem17                   float64
dtb18                   float64
mag19-2vd               float64
mag20-rtp               float64
mag21-tmi               float64
rad22-dose              float64
rad23-k                 float64
rad24-th                float64
rad25-u                 float64
grav26                  float64
archean27                object
geol28                   object
random                    int64
deposit                   int64
dtype: object
#Get information about index type and column types, non-null values and memory usage.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3138 entries, 0 to 3137
Data columns (total 38 columns):
 #   Column                Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                --------------  -----  
 0   lon                   3138 non-null   float64
 1   lat                   3138 non-null   float64
 2   res-25                3138 non-null   float64
 3   res-77                3138 non-null   float64
 4   res-309183            3138 non-null   float64
 5   neoFaults             3138 non-null   float64
 6   archFaults            3138 non-null   float64
 7   gairFaults            3138 non-null   float64
 8   aster1-AlOH-cont      2811 non-null   float64
 9   aster2-AlOH           2010 non-null   float64
 10  aster3-FeOH-cont      1811 non-null   float64
 11  aster4-Ferric-cont    2811 non-null   float64
 12  aster5-Ferrous-cont   1644 non-null   float64
 13  aster6-Ferrous-index  2811 non-null   float64
 14  aster7-MgOH-comp      1644 non-null   float64
 15  aster8-MgOH-cont      1811 non-null   float64
 16  aster9-green          3129 non-null   float64
 17  aster10-kaolin        1811 non-null   float64
 18  aster11-opaque        753 non-null    float64
 19  aster12-quartz        3130 non-null   float64
 20  aster13-regolith-b3   3127 non-null   float64
 21  aster14-regolith-b4   3073 non-null   float64
 22  aster15-silica        3130 non-null   float64
 23  base16                3135 non-null   float64
 24  dem17                 3133 non-null   float64
 25  dtb18                 1490 non-null   float64
 26  mag19-2vd             3132 non-null   float64
 27  mag20-rtp             3132 non-null   float64
 28  mag21-tmi             3132 non-null   float64
 29  rad22-dose            2909 non-null   float64
 30  rad23-k               2900 non-null   float64
 31  rad24-th              2904 non-null   float64
 32  rad25-u               2909 non-null   float64
 33  grav26                3131 non-null   float64
 34  archean27             3135 non-null   object 
 35  geol28                3135 non-null   object 
 36  random                3138 non-null   int64  
 37  deposit               3138 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(34), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 931.7+ KB
#Explore how many null values are in the dataset
df.isnull().sum(axis = 0)
lon                        0
lat                        0
res-25                     0
res-77                     0
res-309183                 0
neoFaults                  0
archFaults                 0
gairFaults                 0
aster1-AlOH-cont         327
aster2-AlOH             1128
aster3-FeOH-cont        1327
aster4-Ferric-cont       327
aster5-Ferrous-cont     1494
aster6-Ferrous-index     327
aster7-MgOH-comp        1494
aster8-MgOH-cont        1327
aster9-green               9
aster10-kaolin          1327
aster11-opaque          2385
aster12-quartz             8
aster13-regolith-b3       11
aster14-regolith-b4       65
aster15-silica             8
base16                     3
dem17                      5
dtb18                   1648
mag19-2vd                  6
mag20-rtp                  6
mag21-tmi                  6
rad22-dose               229
rad23-k                  238
rad24-th                 234
rad25-u                  229
grav26                     7
archean27                  3
geol28                     3
random                     0
deposit                    0
dtype: int64
#Find out what's the top missing:
missingNo = df.isnull().sum(axis = 0).sort_values(ascending = False)
missingNo = missingNo[missingNo.values  > 0]
aster11-opaque          2385
dtb18                   1648
aster5-Ferrous-cont     1494
aster7-MgOH-comp        1494
aster10-kaolin          1327
aster3-FeOH-cont        1327
aster8-MgOH-cont        1327
aster2-AlOH             1128
aster1-AlOH-cont         327
aster4-Ferric-cont       327
aster6-Ferrous-index     327
rad23-k                  238
rad24-th                 234
rad25-u                  229
rad22-dose               229
aster14-regolith-b4       65
aster13-regolith-b3       11
aster9-green               9
aster12-quartz             8
aster15-silica             8
grav26                     7
mag19-2vd                  6
mag20-rtp                  6
mag21-tmi                  6
dem17                      5
base16                     3
archean27                  3
geol28                     3
dtype: int64
#Plot the missingness with Seaborn
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10))
sns.barplot(missingNo.values, missingNo.index, ax = ax);


# Use upsetplot to see where missing values occur
# together
# Only use the top 5 columns
missing_cols = missingNo.index[:5].tolist()
missing_counts = (df.loc[:, missing_cols]



Why is this useful to know? Can our future data analysis deal with mising data?

Explore the data to see whether there are any unusual relationships between variables

Pull out numeric and categoric variables:

  1. What data types do I have in my data? Can I infer that some of them are categorical, and others are not?
float64    34
object      2
int64       2
dtype: int64
  1. Pull out the categorical and numerical variables
numericVars = df.select_dtypes(exclude = ['int64','object']).columns
catVars = df.select_dtypes(include = ['object']).columns
  1. Plot the first 11 numerical variables, and their relationship with whether deposit information.
(3138, 38)
#Select which columns to plot (all of them are too many), and be sure to include the "deposit" variable
cols = [np.append(np.arange(0, 11), 37)]
#Make a pairwise plot to find all the relationships in the data
sns.pairplot(df[df.columns[cols]],hue ="deposit",palette="Set1",diag_kind="kde",diag_kws={'bw': 0.1})
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x2620ef80dc8>



What variables are the most correlated? Hint: pandas has a function to find e.g. “pearson” corrrelations.

#Or pick a variable that you want to sort by. And round out the sig figs.
#df.corr().round(2).sort_values('dem17', ascending = False)

But, no need to dig through a table! We can plot the relationships.

corr = df.corr() 

# Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
            vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5, 
            xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True,


#Plot a regression model through the data
    data = df,
    x = 'res-25', y = 'res-77',hue='deposit'


Key points

  • EDA is the first step of any analysis, and often very time consuming.
  • Skipping EDA can result in substantial issues with subsequent analysis.


  • What is the first step of any ML project (and often the most time consuming)?