Create and update a new repository on GitHub
- How to create a test github repository?
Create a new repository
For todays code-along session, you will need a test repository (or repo) on GitHub
- Go to
- Log in (if not logged in already)
- Click on the +
symbol on the right hand top corner
- Select New repository
This opens a new form as shown below. Please select the following options:
- Repository template: No template
- Repository name: myrepo_masterclass_RStudio_github
or any other name of your choice
- Description: Repository for testing my Git/GitHub setup
or similar
- Choose Public
- Initialize this repository by checking the Add a README file
- Click on
This creates a new repository called
or whatever name you have provided
Clone the new repository to local machine
- Click the big green button that says
- Copy the clone URL to your clipboard
- Since we have created a PAT for HTTPS protocol , copy the HTTPS URL as shown below.
and type the following code on your terminal:
git clone HTTPS_URL
e.g. git clone myrepo_masterclass_RStudio_github
~/master_class % git clone
Cloning into 'myrepo_masterclass_RStudio_github'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
I have named my repo as myrepo_masterclass_RStudio_github
Key points
- You can choose to use an available template when creating a new repository .
- The choice of your repository being
needs to be carefully considered.
All materials copyright Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney