SILO is containing continuous daily climate data for Australia from 1889 to present.
- Module name:
- Bounding Box = Long_min: 112.00, Lat_min: -44.00, Long_max: 154.00, Lat_max: -10.00
- Updates: Daily
- Resolution: native: 180 arcsec
- Source:
- License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Attribution: State of Queensland (Queensland Department of Environment and Science) 2020.
- ‘daily_rain’ (Daily rainfall, mm)
- ‘monthly_rain’ (Monthly rainfall, mm)
- ‘max_temp’ (Maximum temperature, deg C)
- ‘min_temp’ (Minimum temperature. deg C)
- ‘vp’ (Vapour pressure, hPa)
- ‘vp_deficit’ (Vapour pressure deficit, hPa)
- ‘evap_pan’ (Class A pan evaporation, mm)
- ‘evap_syn’ (Synthetic estimate, mm)
- ‘evap_comb’ (Combination: synthetic estimate pre-1970, class A pan 1970 onwards, mm)
- ‘evap_morton_lake’ (Morton’s shallow lake evaporation, mm)
- ‘radiation’ (Solar radiation: Solar exposure, consisting of both direct and diffuse components, MJ/m2)
- ‘rh_tmax’ (Relative humidity: Relative humidity at the time of maximum temperature, %)
- ‘rh_tmin’ (Relative humidity at the time of minimum temperature, %)
- ‘et_short_crop’ (Evapotranspiration FAO564 short crop, mm)
- ‘et_tall_crop’ (ASCE5 tall crop6, mm)
- ‘et_morton_actual’ (Morton’s areal actual evapotranspiration, mm)
- ‘et_morton_potential’ (Morton’s point potential evapotranspiration, mm)
- ‘et_morton_wet’ (Morton’s wet-environment areal potential evapotranspiration over land, mm)
- ‘mslp’ (Mean sea level pressure Mean sea level pressure, hPa)