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Supporting materials

Here are some useful resources we recommend to help you get started with running nf-core pipelines and developing Nextflow pipelines:

Developed by us

Developed by others

Nextflow tips and tricks

Nextflow has some useful features for executing pipelines and querying metadata and history. Here are some resources to help you get started.

Query specific pipeline executions

The Nextflow log command is useful for querying execution metadata and history. You can filter your queries and output specific fields in the printed log.

nextflow log <run_name> -help

Execute Nextflow in the background

The -bg options allows you to run your pipeline in the background and continue using your terminal. It is similar to nohup. You can redirect all standard output to a log file.

nextflow run <workflow_repo/> -bg > workshop_tip.log

Capture a Nextflow pipeline's configuration

The Nextflow config command prints the resolved pipeline configuration. It is especially useful for printing all resolved parameters and profiles Nextflow will use to run a pipeline.

nextflow config <workflow_repo> -help

Clean Nextflow cache and work directories

The Nextflow clean command will remove files from previous executions stored in the .nextflow cache and work directories. The -dry-run option allows you to preview which files will be deleted.

nextflow clean <workflow_repo> -help

Change default Nextflow cache strategy

Workflow execution is sometimes not resumed as expected. The default behaviour of Nextflow cache keys is to index the input files meta-data information. Reducing the cache stringency to lenient means the files cache keys are based only on filesize and path, and can help to avoid unexpectedly re-running certain processes when -resume is in use.

To apply lenient cache strategy to all of your runs, you could add to a custom configuration file:

process {
    cache = 'lenient'

You can specify different cache stategies for different processes by using withName or withLabel. You can specify a particular cache strategy be applied to certain profiles within your institutional config, or to apply to all profiles described within that config by placing the above process code block outside the profiles scope.

Access private GitHub repositories

To interact with private repositories on GitHub, you can provide Nextflow with access to GitHub by specifying your GitHub user name and a Personal Access Token in the scm configuration file inside your specified .nextflow/ directory:

providers {

  github {
    user = 'georgiesamaha'
    password = 'my-personal-access-token'
