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2.5 Productionising our workflow

Learning objectives

  1. Configure Nextflow workflows to run on multiple samples
  2. Enable and interpret Nextflow's inbuilt reports
  3. Implement the tag directive to label tasks for better tracking and profiling
  4. Configure a Nextflow workflow to use multiple CPUs for a process

Now that we have a working pipeline on a single-sample, we will update it to take multiple samples and introduce Nextflow concepts that not only help with understanding and profiling the pipeline but also set the stage for productionising it.

We will focus on making the workflow scalable, robust, and efficient for real-world data processing. Key productionisation practices include:

  • Automating tasks
  • Handling errors gracefully
  • Optimising resource usage
  • Ensuring reproducibility.

These steps ensure that the pipeline can be reliably used in more complex scenarios, like when processing multiple samples in parallel.

2.5.1 Labeling tasks with the tag directive

The tag process directive allows you to add a custom label, or tag, to each task that gets executed. It is useful for identifying what is being run when the workflow is being executed in a bit more detail. It is especially helpful showing you what is being run when we run multiple samples, and for profiling later.

Add the following tag directives to your existing FASTQC and QUANTIFICATION processes.


tag "fastqc on ${sample_id}"
process FASTQC {
    tag "fastqc on ${sample_id}"
    container ""
    publishDir "results", mode: 'copy'


tag "salmon on ${sample_id}"
    tag "salmon on ${sample_id}"
    container ""
    publishDir "results", mode: 'copy'

The tags we just added indicates what program is being run (fastqc or salmon), and on which sample (${sample_id}) it is being run on.

Run the pipeline with the updated tags:

nextflow run -resume

The output should look similar to:

Launching `` [distraught_bell] DSL2 - revision: dcb06191e7

executor >  local (5)
[aa/3b8821] INDEX                           | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[c2/baa069] FASTQC (fastqc on gut)          | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[ad/e49b20] QUANTIFICATION (salmon on gut)  | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[a3/1f885c] MULTIQC                         | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔

2.5.2 Using a samplesheet with multiple samples

Recall that the samplesheet is used to control which files/data are analysed by the workflow. Inspect data/samplesheet_full.csv.


Compared to the samplesheet we have been using data/samplesheet.csv, this one contains two additional lines for the liver and lung paired reads.

Next we will run the workflow with all three samples by overwriting the default input for reads with data/samplesheet_full.csv using the double hyphen approach --reads in the run command.

Run the workflow:

nextflow run -resume --reads data/samplesheet_full.csv

Your output should look similar to:

Launching `` [distraught_bell] DSL2 - revision: dcb06191e7

executor >  local (5)
[de/fef8c4] INDEX                           | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[4e/b4c797] FASTQC (fastqc on liver)        | 3 of 3, cached: 1 ✔
[36/93c8b4] QUANTIFICATION (salmon on lung) | 3 of 3, cached: 1 ✔
[e7/5d91ea] MULTIQC                         | 1 of 1 ✔

There are two new tasks run for FASTQC and QUANTIFICATION. Our newly added tags indicate which samples they were run on - either lung or liver reads!

Note: Decide exercises

Optional Exercise

Update your params.reads definition in so it takes samplesheet_full.csv instead of samplesheet.csv.

//pipeline input parameters
params.transcriptome_file = "$projectDir/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa"
params.reads = "$projectDir/data/samplesheet_full.csv"

Optional Exercise

In the workflow scope, add .view() to reads_in

Update with new workflow definition if keeping this exercise

    .splitCsv(header: true)
    .map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] }
    .set { read_pairs_ch }

Run the workflow:

nextflow run -resume --reads data/samplesheet_full.csv

Your output should look something like:

executor >  local (5)
[de/fef8c4] INDEX                           | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[4e/b4c797] FASTQC (fastqc on liver)        | 3 of 3, cached: 3 ✔
[36/93c8b4] QUANTIFICATION (salmon on lung) | 3 of 3, cached: 3 ✔
[e7/5d91ea] MULTIQC                         | 1 of 1 ✔
[gut, .../data/ggal/gut_1.fq, .../data/ggal/gut_2.fq]
[liver, .../data/ggal/liver_1.fq, .../data/ggal/liver_2.fq]
[lung, .../data/ggal/lung_1.fq, .../data/ggal/lung_2.fq]

Key differences to note:

  • Total of three tuples, for each sample
  • QUANTIFICATION and FASTQC have 3 processes and 1 cached
  • Added results/ outputs for each paired sample
  • multiqc_report.html now has 9 samples

Remove read_pairs_ch.view() before proceeding.

2.5.3 An introduction to configuration

In this section, we will explore how Nextflow workflows can be configured to utilise the computational resources available. Whilst there are many ways to configure Nextflow workflows (especially on HPC clusters), we will focus on increasing the number of CPUs used to speed up tasks.

Some bioinformatics tool, like FastQC, support multithreading to speed up analyses. From the fastqc --help command, you'll notice the following option:

-t --threads    Specifies the number of files which can be processed    

This means we can configure the number of threads (or CPUs) that FastQC uses to process multiple files in parallel to speed up the analysis. In Nextflow, we control this through the cpus directive.

Recall that our FASTQC takes as input the reads_in channel which emits two .fastq files. We will configure the process to use 2 CPUs so each file gets run on 1 CPU each, simulataneously.

In your script, update the script definition in the FASTQC process to add the multithreading option:
    mkdir fastqc_${sample_id}_logs
    fastqc --outdir "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs" -f fastq $reads_1 $reads_2 -t $task.cpus
  • The task.cpus variable is automatically populated with the number of CPUs allocated to the task based on the Nextflow configuration. By default this is 1.

Next, we need to update our nextflow.config file to configure the number of CPUs to be used. To allow each FastQC process to use 2 CPUs, update the config file as follows:

process.cpus = 2
docker.enabled = true

The -t $task.cpus argument will populate as -t 2 when the process is run next.

2.5.4 Inspecting workflow performance

When running workflows, it is helpful to understand how each part of your workflow is using resources like CPUs, memory, and the time taken to complete. Nextflow can generate text-based and visual reports that give you clear picture of how your workflow ran and identify areas for improvement.

We will explore some of Nextflow's built-it in tools that can show these important details of how tasks ran.

To enable these reports, add the following to your nextflow.config file:

process.cpus = 2
docker.enabled = true

// enable reporting
dag.enabled = true
report.enabled = true
timeline.enabled = true
trace.enabled = true

Run the workflow. To assess the resource usage all processes need to be run again so -resume should not be used.

nextflow run --reads "data/samplesheet_full.csv"

Inspect your project directory. You should have 3 .html files and a .txt file with matching timestamps. A summary of the different reports are included in the table below. For a detailed description of each report see the Nextflow documentation on reports.

Report type Description
dag A high-level graph that shows how processes and channels are connected to each other.
report A visual summary of the time and resources used grouped by process.
timeline A Gannt chart that shows when each task started and ended.
trace A detailed text log with the time and resources used by each task.

Complete the following steps in the exercise to view the report file report-*.html in your local browser.


  1. In the VSCode file explorer sidebar, locate the report file (e.g. report-*.html)
  2. Right click on the file and select "Download" to save it to your local computer.
  3. Open the report-*.html in a browser.
  4. Navigate to "Resource Usage" -> "CPU".
  5. Hover over the FASTQC bar chart and note the mean CPU usage.

In this report, a mean of 2.53 CPUs were utilised by the FASTQC process across the 3 samples. This value will slightly differ across runs.

Note: explain why this is > 2 CPUs?

Note: Any additional exercises, outro text, learning summary


In this step you have learned:

1. How to
1. How to
1. How to