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2.2 Samplesheets, operators, and groovy

Learning objectives

  1. Implement a process with a tuple input.
  2. Understand why samplesheets should be used to read in data.
  3. Build an input channel using operators and Groovy.

In this lesson we will transform the next bash script, into a process called FASTQC. This step focuses on the next phase of RNAseq data processing: assessing the quality of some our raw sequencing reads.

To do this, we will need to run FastQC over pairs of fastq files.

Our goal in porting these bash scripts to Nextflow is to build a workflow that can scale to run on multiple samples with minimal intervention. To do this, we will use a samplesheet, allowing us to provide multiple samples and their corresponding fastq files to our Nextflow workflow.

Building channels in Nextflow can be tricky. Depending on what data you need to capture and how you want to organise it you will likely need to use operators to manipulate your channel. Sometimes operators alone won't be enough, and you'll need to also use Groovy (Nextflow's underlying programming language) to capture pertinent information.

Since this is an advanced task, we will provide you with all the code you need. Although Nextflow does not yet offer a built-in operator for reading samplesheets, their use is widespread in bioinformatics workflows.

Open the bash script

mkdir -p "results/fastqc_${SAMPLE_ID}_logs"
fastqc \
    --outdir "results/fastqc_${SAMPLE_ID}_logs" \
    --format fastq ${READS_1} ${READS_2}

There's a lot going on in this script, let's break it down.

SAMPLE_ID=gut assigns "gut" to the bash variableSAMPLE_ID. This is used to:

  • Avoid hardcoding the sample name multiple times in the script
  • Ensure that file pairs of the same sample are processed together
  • Ensure that this script can be run on different sample pairs

READS_1 and READS_2 specify the paths to the gut .fq files.

Similar to the bash script in the previous step (, mkdir -p creates an output folder so that the fastqc outputs can be saved here.

In the fastqc command,

  • --outdir specifies the name of the output directory
  • --format is a required flag to indicate what format the the reads are in
  • ${READS_1} and ${READS_2} propagate the paths of the .fq files

2.2.1 Building the process

1. Process directives

Start by adding the following process scaffold and script definition to your under the INDEX process code but before the workflow{} block:
process FASTQC {
  container ""
  publishDir "results", mode: 'copy'

    < process inputs >

    < process outputs >

  mkdir -p "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs"
  fastqc --outdir "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs" --format fastq $reads_1 $reads_2

It contains:

  • Prefilled process directives container and publishDir.
  • The empty input: block for us to define the input data for the process.
  • The empty output: block for us to define the output data for the process.
  • The script: block prefilled with the command that will be executed.

Note about ${}
Consider making consistent use of capital letters vs lowercase

2. Define the process output

Unlike salmon from the previous process, fastqc requires that the output directory be created before running the command, hence the requirement to run mkdir -p "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs" within the script block.

Looking at the FastQC command we can see this directory will be our output.


Replace < process outputs > with the appropriate output definition for the FASTQC process.

path "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs"

We've used the path qualifier as our output is a directory. Output from the bash script is defined by the fastqc --outdir flag.

3. Define the process input

Now we need to define the input block for this process. In this process, we're going to use a combination of Nextflow operators and Groovy to do this.

There are three inputs for this process definition that can be taken from the script definition you just added:

  1. $sample_id
  2. $reads_1
  3. $reads_2

We will use a tuple as the input qualifier as it's useful to group related inputs, or, inputs that need to be processed together such as in this case.

We need to group these inputs together so they can be processed as a single unit. This is a requirement when working with multiple pieces of data that are specific to a sample.

Importance of proper data grouping when using Nextflow

Nextflow uses channels to run processes in parallel and if you aren't careful about how handle multiple pieces of data that need to be tied together, you may mix datasets up.

We can use the input qualifier tuple to group multiple values into a single input definition.

Using a tuple as the input qualifier allows us to group related inputs together. This is useful when we need to process several pieces of data at the same time, like in this case where we have $sample_id and its two read files $reads_1 and $reads_2.

The tuple ensures that these inputs stay linked and are processed together, preventing sample-specific data and files from getting mixed up between samples.

In the FASTQC process, replace < process inputs > with the input definition:

tuple val(sample_id), path(reads_1), path(reads_2)
  • val(sample_id) represents the value that refers to the sample name.
  • path(reads_1) represents the path to the first read file of paired-end sequencing data.
  • path(reads_2) represent the path to the second read file of paired-end sequencing data.
process FASTQC {
  container ""
  publishDir "results", mode: 'copy'

  tuple val(sample_id), path(reads_1), path(reads_2)

  path "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs"

  fastqc --outdir "fastqc_${sample_id}_logs" --format fastq $reads_1 $reads_2

2.2.2 Reading files with a samplesheet

A samplesheet is a delimited text file where each row contains information or metadata that needs to be processed together.

Tip: using samplesheets in scalable bioinformatics workflows

Working with samplesheets is particularly useful when you have a combination of files and metadata that need to be assigned to a sample in a flexible manner. Typically, samplesheets are written in comma-separated (.csv) or tab-separated (.tsv) formats.

We reccommend using comma-separated files as they are less error prone and easier to read and write.

Inspect our samplesheet:

cat data/samplesheet.csv

At this stage, we are developing and testing the pipeline. As such, we're only working with one sample. The samplesheet has three columns:

  • sample: indicates the sample name/prefix
  • fastq_1, fastq_2: contains the relative paths to the reads

The goal in this step is to read the contents of the samplesheet, and transform it so it fits the input definition of FASTQC we just defined:

tuple val(sample_id), path(reads_1), path(reads_2)

Before that, we need to add an input parameter that points to the samplesheet, called input.


In your add an input parameter called reads and assign the path to the samplesheet using $projectDir.

// pipeline input parameters
params.transcriptome_file = "$projectDir/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa"
params.reads = "$projectDir/data/samplesheet.csv"

In the next few steps, we will add a mix of Nextflow operators and Groovy syntax to read in and parse the samplesheet so it is in the correct format for the process we just added.

Using samplesheets with Nextflow can be tricky business

There are currently no Nextflow operators specifically designed to handle samplesheets. As such, we Nextflow workflow developers have to write custom parsing logic to read and split the data. This adds complexity to our workflow development, especially when trying to handle tasks like parallel processing of samples or filtering data by sample type.

We won't explore the logic of constructing our samplesheet input channel in depth in this lesson. The key takeaway here is to understand that using samplesheets is best practice for reading grouped files and metadata into Nextflow, and that operators and groovy needs to be chained together to get these in the correct format. The best way to do this is using a combination of Groovy and Nextflow operators.

Our samplesheet input channel has used common Nextflow operators:

// Define the fastqc input channel
  .splitCsv(header: true)
  .map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] }
  • .fromPath creates a channel from one or more files matching a given path or pattern (to our .csv file, provided with the --reads parameter).
  • splitCsv splits the input file into rows, treating it as a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. The header: true option means that the first row of the CSV contains column headers, which will be used to access the values by name.
  • map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] } uses some Groovy syntax to transform each row of the CSV file into a list, extracting the sample value, fastq_1 and fastq_2 file paths from the row.
  • .view() is a debugging step that outputs the transformed data to the console so we can see how the channel is structured. Its a great tool to use when building your channels.

Add the following to your workflow scope above where INDEX is called:
// Define the workflow  
workflow {

    // Run the index step with the transcriptome parameter

    // Define the fastqc input channel
        .splitCsv(header: true)
        .map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] }


Run the workflow with the -resume flag:

nextflow run -resume

Your output should look something like:

Launching `` [crazy_einstein] DSL2 - revision: 0ae3776a5e

[de/fef8c4] INDEX [100%] 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[gut, /home/setup2/hello-nextflow/part2/data/ggal/gut_1.fq, /home/setup2/hello-nextflow/part2/data/ggal/gut_2.fq]
Tip: using the -resume flag

The -resume flag is used to resume a Nextflow workflow from where it left off. If a workflow fails or is interrupted, this flag allows you to skip tasks that were successfully completed, saving time and computational resources. It is also useful when you are developing a workflow and want to test changes without running the entire workflow from the start.

The chain of commands produces a tuple with three elements that correspond to the row in the samplesheet. It now fits the requirements of the input definition of tuple val(sample_id), path(reads_1), path(reads_2):

[gut, /home/setup2/hello-nextflow/part2/data/ggal/gut_1.fq, /home/setup2/hello-nextflow/part2/data/ggal/gut_2.fq]

Next, we need to assign this output to a variable so it can be passed to the FASTQC process. Assign to a variable called reads_in, and remove the .view() operator as we now know what the output looks like.

Tip: using the view() operator for testing

The view() operator is a useful tool for debugging Nextflow workflows. It allows you to inspect the data structure of a channel at any point in the workflow, helping you to understand how the data is being processed and transformed.
// Define the workflow  
workflow {

    // Run the index step with the transcriptome parameter

    // Define the fastqc input channel
    reads_in = Channel.fromPath(params.reads)
        .splitCsv(header: true)
        .map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] }


Now that we have an input channel with that provides the correct format ready, we will now call the FASTQC process.


In the workflow scope after where reads_in was defined, call the FASTQC process with reads_in as the input.

// Define the workflow  
workflow {

    // Run the index step with the transcriptome parameter

    // Define the fastqc input channel
    reads_in = Channel.fromPath(params.reads)
        .splitCsv(header: true)
        .map { row -> [row.sample, file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2)] }

    // Run the fastqc step with the reads_in channel

Run the workflow:

nextflow run -resume

Your output should look something like:

Launching `` [tiny_aryabhata] DSL2 - revision: 9a45f4957b

executor >  local (1)
[de/fef8c4] INDEX      [100%] 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[bb/32a3aa] FASTQC (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

If you inspect results/fastqc_gut_logs there is an .html and .zip file for each of the .fastq files.

Need to revisit the Advanced exercise

Advanced exercise

Inspect what the .fromPath() and .splitCsv() commands do by using .view()
workflow {

    index_ch = INDEX(params.transcriptome_file)
Launching `` [hungry_lalande] DSL2 - revision: 587b5b70d1

[de/fef8c4] INDEX [100%] 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
workflow {
        .splitCsv(header: true)

    index_ch = INDEX(params.transcriptome_file)
Launching `` [tiny_yonath] DSL2 - revision: 22c2c9d28f
[de/fef8c4] INDEX | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[sample:gut, fastq_1:data/ggal/gut_1.fq, fastq_2:data/ggal/gut_2.fq]


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to implement a process with a tuple input
  2. How to construct an input channel using operators and Groovy
  3. How to use the view() operator to inspect the structure of a channel
  4. How to use a samplesheet to scale your workflow across multiple samples