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2.1 Implementing a simple process with a container

Learning objectives

  1. Implement a Nextflow process that takes a single file as input.
  2. Understand the importance of containers in ensuring consistent and reproducible execution across processes.
  3. Store output files with the publishDir directive.

In this lesson we will be implement as our first Nextflow process, INDEX. Here, we are working with the first step of the RNA-seq data processing workflow: indexing the transcriptome for downstream processes. To do this, we will need to run Salmon's indexing mode.

Open the bash script
mkdir "results"
salmon index \
    --transcripts data/ggal/transcriptome.fa \
    --index results/salmon_index
  • The script first creates a results/ folder then runs the salmon index command.
  • The Salmon --transcripts flag indicates that the path to the input transcriptome file is data/ggal/transcriptome.fa.
  • The Salmon --index results/salmon_index flag tells salmon to save the output index files in a directory called salmon_index, within the newly created results directory.

Avoid hardcoding arguments by using parameters

The paths to the transcriptome file (data/ggal/transcriptome.fa) and the output directory (results/salmon_index) are hardcoded in this bash script. If you wanted to change the input transcriptome file or the output location, you must manually edit the script. This makes our scripts less flexible and easy to use.

Nextflow addresses the issue of hardcoded paths by allowing parameters to be passed dynamically at runtime as parameters (params).

2.1.1 Building the process

In the empty script, add the following process scaffold with the script definition:
process INDEX {
  [ directives ]

    < process inputs >

    < process outputs >

  salmon index --transcripts $transcriptome --index salmon_index

It contains:

  • The empty input: block for us to define the input data for the process.
  • The empty output: block for us to define the output data for the process.
  • The script: block prefilled with the command that will be executed.

Next, we will edit the input and output definitions to match the specific data and results for this process. In the script, the relevant information is:

  • The fasta (.fa) file defined by the variable $transcriptome and provided to the --transcripts flag
  • The index output directory salmon_index/ provided to the --index flag

Defining inputs and outputs

Remember, input and output definitions require a qualifier and name. For example:

<input qualifier> <input name>

<output qualifier> <output name>

The qualifier defines the type of data, and the names are treated like variables.
process INDEX {
  [ directives ]

  path transcriptome

  path 'salmon_index'

  salmon index --transcripts $transcriptome --index salmon_index

Note that the input path transcriptome refers to a variable, meaning the actual file or directory provided as input can be changed depending on the data you provide it. The output path 'salmon_index' is fixed, meaning it will always create an output folder called salmon_index, no matter what the input is.

This is how Nextflow can handle different inputs while always producing the same output name.

More information on using input and output blocks can be found in the process inputs and outputs Nextflow documentation.

2.1.2 Save files to an output directory with publishDir

Next we will implement the Nextflow equivalent of saving the output files into a results/ directory.

Replace [ directives ] in your script with the publishDir directive, specifying the directory name as "results" and the mode as 'copy'. Your should look like this:
process INDEX {
  publishDir "results", mode: 'copy'

  path transcriptome

  path 'salmon_index'

  salmon index --transcripts $transcriptome --index salmon_index

This process is now directed to copy all output files into a results/ directory. This saves having to specify the output directory in the script definition each process, or a tedious mv salmon_index/ results/ step.

Nextflow also handles whether the directory already exists or if it should be created. In the script you had to manually make a results directory with mkdir -p "results.

More information and other modes can be found on publishDir.

2.1.3 Using containers

Nextflow recommends using containers to ensure reproducibility and portability of your workflow. Containers package all the software and dependencies needed for each tool into a self-contained environment. This means you don’t have to manually install anything on your system, and your workflow will work consistently across different systems — whether you're running it on your local machine, a cluster, or in the cloud. Containers make it easier to share your workflow with others and ensure it runs the same way every time, no matter where it's executed.

Nextflow supports multiple container runtimes. In this workshop, we'll be demonstrating the value containers can bring to your workflow by using Docker.

Tip: different tools for different purposes

In this workshop, we're using Docker to run containers. However, for some systems like HPC where you won't have administrative access to your environment, other options like Singularity/Apptainer will be more suitable.

You don't have to write your own containers to run in your workflow. There are many container repositories out there. We highly recommend using Biocontainers wherever possible. Biocontainers are pre-built and tested containers specifically for bioinformatics tools. They have a huge library and great community support.

You can find Biocontainers at the following repositories:

Add the following container directive to the INDEX process, above publishDir:

In Nextflow, we can specify that a process should be run within a specified container using the container directive.

Add the following container directive to the INDEX process, above publishDir:
process INDEX {
    container ""
    publishDir "results" mode: 'copy'

    path transcriptome

    path 'salmon_index'

    salmon index --transcripts $transcriptome --index salmon_index

Usually, containers need to be downloaded using a command such as docker pull [image]. All containers have been previously downloaded for the workshop beforehand.

Tip: use one container per process

Using single containers for each process in your workflow is considered best practices for the following reasons:

  • Flexibility: different processes require different tools (or versions). By using separate containers, you can easily tailor the container to the needs of each process without conflicts.
  • Build and run efficiency: Smaller, process-specific containers are faster to load and run compared to one large container that has unnecessary tools or dependencies for every process.
  • Easier Maintenance: it’s easier to update or modify one container for a specific process than to manage a large, complex container with many tools.
  • Reproducibility: reduces the risk of issues caused by software conflicts.

Before we can run the workflow, we need to tell Nextflow to run containers using Docker. Nextflow requires Docker to be installed on your system in order for this to work. Docker has been pre-installed on your Virtual Machine.

We can tell Nextflow configuration to run containers with Docker by using the nextflow.config file.

Create a nextflow.config file in the same directory as and add the following line:

docker.enabled = true

You now have a complete process!

2.1.4 Adding params and the workflow scope

Now that you have written your first Nextflow process, we need to prepare it for execution.

You can think of Nextflow processes as similar to a function definition in R or Python. We have defined what the process should do, but to actually run it, we need to call the process within the workflow and pass in the inputs.

To run the process, we need to call it inside the workflow{} block, where we control how data flows through the pipeline. To provide the input data we need to define parameters.

In the script, the file data/ggal/transcriptome.fa was passed as the input into salmon index.

We will pass in this file path with the params scope. Add the following to the top of your script:
// pipeline input parameters
params.transcriptome_file = "$projectDir/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa"

Implicit variables in Nextflow

Nextflow provides a set of implicit variables that can be used in your workflows. These variables are predefined and can be used to access information about the workflow environment, configuration, and tasks.

We will use $projectDir to indicates the directory of the script. This is defined by Nextflow as the directory where the script is located.

Recall that parameters are inputs and options that can be customised when the workflow is executed. They allow you to control things like file paths and options for tools without changing the process code itself.

We defined a default value for params.transcriptome in the script. If we need to run our pipeline with a different transcriptome file, we can overwrite this default in our execution command with --transcriptome double hyphen flag.

Next, add the workflow scope at the bottom of you after the process:
// Define the workflow
workflow {

    // Run the index step with the transcriptome parameter

This will tell Nextflow to run the INDEX process with params.transcriptome_file as input.

Note about adding comments, Part 1 suggests developers choice rather than fixed comments

We are now ready to run our workflow!

2.1.5 Running the workflow

In the terminal, run the command:

nextflow run

Your output should look something like:

N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.04.4

Launching `` [chaotic_jones] DSL2 - revision: 6597720332

executor >  local (1)
[de/fef8c4] INDEX | 1 of 1 ✔

Recall that the specifics of the output are randomly generated (i.e. [chaotic_jones] and [de/fef8c4] in this example).

In this example, the output files for the INDEX process is output in work/26/c410b1....

You have successfully run your first workflow!

2.1.6 Inspecting the outputs

To observe exactly what command is being run for a process, we can attempt to infer this information from the process definition in our script. Given all the different parameters that may be applied at the process level, it may not be very clear exactly what inputs are being fed in.

For more complex commands, it can be very hard to see what is actually happening in the code, given all the different variables and conditional arguments inside a process.

Hidden files in the work directory

Remember that the pipeline’s results are cached in the work directory. In addition to the cached files, each task execution directories inside the work directory contains a number of hidden files:

  • The command script run for the task.
  • The command wrapped used to run the task.
  • .command.out: The task’s standard output log.
  • .command.err: The task’s standard error log.
  • .command.log: The wrapper execution output.
  • .command.begin: A file created as soon as the job is launched.
  • .exitcode: A file containing the task exit code (0 if successful)

Instead of trying to infer how the variable is being defined and applied to the process, let’s use the hidden command files saved for this task in the work/ directory.

Open the work/ directory:

Image/instrctions for how to find command


Inspect the file and compare it with A question for attendees to answer.


In this lesson you have learned:

  1. How to implement a simple process with one input file
  2. How to define parameters in your workflow scripts and the command line
  3. How to use configure a process to run using a container
  4. How to output files in a dedicated publishDir