ACE-III online dementia screening tool

This tool is based on data from Foxe et al. Utility of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-III Online Dementia Screening Tool.
It is intended for use by clinicians experienced in administering the ACE-III. Please review the About section before proceeding.

Enter ACE-III subdomain scores

Subdomain raw scores


See the density plots below to compare these subdomain scores to the distribution in dementia and control patients

Dementia risk value(binomial logistic regression)


Factors affecting risk(binomial logistic regression)


ACE-III total score (/100)

······2 SDs below the mean for control patients
- - -100% specificity for detecting dementia in our sample

See how this patient compares to our sample - explore this in more detail here


Subdomain scores

This plot compares the current scores for each subdomain in patients with dementia to scores from healthy controls.
Scores are shown as a percentage of the maximum for each subdomain, plotted so that risk/impairment increases from left to right, consistent with other plots.


Distribution in control participants
Distribution in dementia patients

Current score
······2 SDs below the mean for control patients
- - - -100% specificity for detecting dementia in our sample